$125K Offered, but 20+ Rejection Emails 😩
"We regret to inform you..." emails are truly the most annoying emails a jobseeker can receive 😩 I received over 20+ rejection emails before receiving my first job offer of over $125K. I was truly frustrated. I knew I was qualified however no one wanted to take a chance on me. It took 24 hours to transform my life.
My manager was my motivation, and not in a good way. I strongly believed she was the devil incarnate. 👹 Like, sis was EVIL! She made me cry on several occasions and had me wearing too many hats that weren't designer. I promise you that once I become a billionaire, I will write a short snippet about it.
I'm a firm believer that faith without works is dead, so I started working on myself. One, fortunate morning, I decided not to dwell in misery. Some of you know this story, like my very good career sister Cassie Ademola while most of you don't -- I spent 24 hours creating a new resume and researching how I could make that resume marketable.
The 24 hours of research, editing, and learning paid off, shortly after I was getting called back for interviews. By the way, I bombed some of those interviews but that's a story for another day. 😂 Just know that God is Great all the time. My delay allowed me to re-examine, my strategy. My first corporate position was $125K+. 💰
I’ve been writing resumes for years, but just like you, I’m always learning -- it’s important to give credit where it's due. I have been a part of an amazing group called the Society of Elite Resume Writers, run by one of my amazing Coaches Melanie Denny, who has given me resources to help others transform their lives. Oh, yes as resume writer’s we transform lives every day!
Resume Tip #1 – Ditch the Canva Resume, for the most part, they do not get past most ATS systems. Yes, they may be created by human beings, however, they are put in place to streamline the hiring process of many companies. Oh, and no, all ATS do not behave the same.
Here is a peak of “My First Resume” – It’s also on my website for you to take a look and see, *Link in Bio* stay tuned for part 2.
